AI a tool for Employee Professional Development

Researchers of human resources have investigated the trends within the workforce. One research looks at the workforce from an age group vs behaviour perspective. The reports have revealed that there is a correlation between the patterns of behaviour and the generation group. These behaviours include conduct in the workplace but also factors that retain a […]
AI is the Solution for Employee Turnover

Employers have noted staggering growths in employee turnover statistics in 2022. While the growth has been gradual over the years, reports suggest that there has been a rapid increase over the past five years. According to statistics published by ‘Shortlister’, at least one-third of new employees quit after six months on the job. This results […]
Making Your Decisions Easier: An Approach To Uncertainty

Decision-making is one of the most common tasks we perform daily. Questions become more involved as they increase in difficulty. Should I quit my job and start my own business? How should I invest my money (assuming I™m earning more than I need)? Many of these questions can be answered numerically by probability models of […]
Data And The Roles Around It!

The digital era resulted in consumers gradually moving towards online transacting. The advent of COVID-19 further accelerated the move to online thereby curbing the number of physical (in store) transactions and the subsequent growth of online activities such as banking, shopping, and general communication. This came with advantages for businesses as this move “ to […]
AI For Employee Engagement

Employee engagement changes in response to an ever-changing world, as the workforce’s generations evolve, so do: the trends, tools, and strategies used to engage, keep and assess employee engagement levels. Engaged employees, without a doubt, work the hardest, stay in their jobs the longest, and make significant contributions to their company™s bottom line. Younger generations […]
Football Performance Analysis Coach

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Applications Of AI In People Management

Let’s start by outlining some fundamental points about managing people. Managing people or human resources (HR) management as we commonly know it, is a complex and demanding task and data science initiatives are equally destined to be challenged if you approach this solely from that perspective. Although intelligent data metrics undoubtedly provide employers with useful […]
Cutting-Edge Technology That Armies Are Inventing And Employing Could Be Of Use In Building Your Business Strategy

Throughout history, technology has been the primary source of military innovation and current capabilities are undergoing considerable changes. Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, Robotics, and the Internet of Military Things (IoMT) are all major trends in defence operations and military effectiveness. Now, let™s explore three cutting-edge technologies that armies are inventing and employing, as well […]
Our Lessons As Data Scientists: A Data Scientists World View (Part B)

How to enable information efficiency on the go with the use of data science teams Having Started setting-up regular chats with various business units to understand their current process and where we could add value, these provided a marketing opportunity for our small and nimble team with a cross-functional capability. Machine Learning is not required […]
Our Lessons As Data Scientists: A Data Scientists World View (Part A)

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